1. HDB Resale- For 1st timer Home Buyers (Family Scheme)
2. HDB Resale- For 1st timer Home Buyers (Single/ Non-Citizen Spouse Scheme)
3. Executive Condominium (Family Scheme)
* updated 14 Feb 23
Housing Grant - HDB Resale
For 1st time Home Buyers
Family Scheme
As a first-timer(Never purchase any BTO/ taken housing grant before) married/ engaged couples or families who buying an HDB resale flat,
you might be eligible for the following grants:
Family Grant
Proximity Housing Grant
Enhanced CPF Grant (ECPF Grant)
Family Grant
Income Ceiling:
or $21,000 if applying with extended family
Grant Amount:
$80,000 (4-room or smaller resale flats) or $50,000 (5-room or bigger resale flats)
* Grant amount reduce $10,000 if married couple are SC/SPR
Enhanced CPF Grant (ECPF Grant)
Income Ceiling:
Grant Amount:
$5,000- $80,000 depending on household income*
(2-room or bigger resale flat)
^ To qualify, at least one of the applicant must be working continuously for 12 months
Proximity Housing Grant
Income Ceiling:
Grant Amount (Singapore Citizen / Singapore PR):
Example: (SC+SC) / (SC+SPR)
$20,000 (living within 4km of parent/children flat) or $30,000 (live together)
* No grant for (PR+PR) / (PR + Foreigner Spouse)
Single Scheme/ Non-Citizen Spouse Scheme
As a first-timer single (Never purchase any BTO/ taken housing grant before) Singapore Citizen (SC) who is 35 years old or above buying an HDB resale flat, you might be eligible for the following grants:
Singles Grant
Enhanced CPF Grant (ECPF Grant)- Singles
Proximity Housing Grant
Income Ceiling:
Singles Grant
Grant Amount:
$40,000 (4-room or smaller resale flats) or $25,000 (5-room resale flats)
* Housing Grant is not eligible under Single Scheme
who buy an executive resale flat
Enhanced CPF Grant (ECPF Grant)
Income Ceiling:
Grant Amount:
$2,500- $40,000, depending on household income*
(only applicable for 2- to 5-room resale flat)
^ To qualify, the applicant must be working continuously for 12 months
Proximity Housing Grant
Income Ceiling:
Grant Amount:
Example: (Single SC) / (SC + Foreigner Spouse)
$10,000 (living within 4km of parent/children flat) or $15,000 (live together)
Housing Grant - Executive Condominium
Family Scheme
As a married/ engaged couples or families who buying an Executive Condominium (EC) from developers, you might be eligible for the Family Grant or Half-Housing Grant (One of the co-applicant is 2nd timer who has previously taken 1 housing subsidy. ie. FT/ST couple)